Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Introducing tyrianwayfarers.blogspot!

Hello everyone and welcome to “Roaming Tyria”, a blog where Tyrian wayfarers will talk about their most recent endeavours! 

So, what exactly does this mean?

With this blog I want to create a place where I can talk about and develop my Guild Wars 2 characters. A lot of this will include story elements developed on my own, outside of what the game has to offer in regards to personal stories. However, my characters' (hi)stories were conceived with the background options proposed in Guild Wars 2 in mind, and as I will also include happenings in the game in my stories this blog will most definitely include spoilers.
As an example: I designed my charr necromancer as an Ash legionnaire with a sorcerous shaman as his father. While I will definitely extend his background to include many more (out-of-game) elements, these two points are still fundamental to his character. When I play the game and experience these stories, I intend to talk about them on here as well – though obviously some stuff will get changed around, and I most definitely won't keep the game's original dialogue.
The point still stands though, if you read the story of my charr necromancer, you will get spoiled in regards to the personal story steps I take.

I will categorize the posts so that everyone will be able to easily follow a single character's story. At some point, stories might converge, in which case they will be tagged for all the related characters.

I will also try to make sure to clearly state what personal story decisions I took beforehand, so that everyone can decide by themselves whether they want to continue reading or want to wait until they have reached that story arc themselves.

Now, the interesting stuff:

I have three characters planned out for launch already. Rajj, an asuran engineer, a rather young human guardian called Danica and my main character, a charr necromancer called Krall Blightfur.
Consequently he will be the most heavily featured one (at least in the beginning. You never know what might happen).

However, as the game has not yet launched I will not start playing any of these three characters. While I might start talking about their background soon, the first stories I will publish on this blog are those of my beta characters!

Moreover, the stories will include all kinds of illustrations.


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